Need A Photo?

We have over 700,000 pictures taken over the past 40 years at the major sheep shows and sales.
Simply print out and mail or fax the form below, provide the information requested and we'll search our archives for your picture.

To Order By Phone:
Call us at 309-785-5058. Please have the photo id numbers ready, along with your payment information.

To Order Online:
You need to go to the Event Photo Library and click on the photo you wish to order.
Click the photo size that you want at the bottom of the page to add the photo to your cart.
Please follow the on-screen instructions carefully.

4 x 6 = $15.00
5 x 7 = $20.00
8 x 10 = $25.00
Web-Ready Emailed Photos = $15.00
Publication-Ready Emailed Photos = $25.00

Special Cropping Requests are the regular charge plus $10.00 per photo. Please allow two extra weeks for delivery.

After you have filled out the form, please print it out and mail or fax it to us.
If you would prefer, you can call in your photo order (309-785-5058) between the hours of 8:30 - 4:30 CST.

Enclosed is my check/money order for $

Or, charge to VISA MasterCard Discover American Express
Credit Card Number:
Expires: month year
Farm Name:
City: State: Zip:
Name of Show/Sale/Fair:
Year Photo Was Taken:
Sheep Class:
Exhibitor Consignor Name at Time of Photo:
Picture Number (if available):
Mail To Different Address: